23 Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing


# 23 Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing
1. Now the joyful bells a-ring, All ye mountains of the Lord! Lift our hearts like birds a-winging All ye mountains, praise the Lord! Now our festal season bringing Kinsmen all to bide and board Sets our cheery voices singing: All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
2. Dear our home as dear none other; Where the mountains praise the Lord! Gladly here our care we smother; Where the mountains praise the Lord! Here we know that Christ our brother Binds us all as by a cord: He was born of Mary mother Where the mountains praise the Lord!
3. Cold the year, new whiteness wearing All ye mountains, praise the Lord! Peace, good will to us a-bearing, All ye mountains praise the Lord! Now we all God’s goodness sharing Break the bread and sheath the sword: Bright our hearths the signal flaring All ye mountains, praise the Lord!


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