# 99 Enkoro Yane Renda
1. ‘Nkoro yane renda;Babis’ emeganda,B’ebibe babetereria;Gokorusia Igoro.
2. Renda rwana saba;Timotig’esegi,Rwan’as’oboyia botambe;Saba ogokonywa.
3. ‘Segi teraera;Totig’ amatimo’Segi eye tekoera;Goik’onyore egutwa.
# 99 Enkoro Yane Renda
1. ‘Nkoro yane renda;Babis’ emeganda,B’ebibe babetereria;Gokorusia Igoro.
2. Renda rwana saba;Timotig’esegi,Rwan’as’oboyia botambe;Saba ogokonywa.
3. ‘Segi teraera;Totig’ amatimo’Segi eye tekoera;Goik’onyore egutwa.
Nyimbo za Kristo is a platform dedicated to sharing Christian hymns and songs, aiming to inspire and uplift the hearts of believers in their faith journey. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive collection of Nyimbo za Kristo, also known as “Songs of Christ” in Swahili, to individuals and Christian communities, particularly in East Africa.
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