244 Ne! Obiro E Koth Polo!


# 244 Ne! Obiro E Koth Polo!
1. Ne! obiro e koth polo,En ma yand` otho ni ji;Malaika duto koweKa gibiro choko ji. Alleluya!Chieng` Nyasaye to chiegini.
2. Ji duto bende nonene,Birone to lich ni gi,Manochaye, ma nogure,Ka notho e Kalwari. Giniyuagi,Ka gineno duong` mar Ruoth.
3. Ng`a ma tinde kwero Yesuchieng`no En nokwere be;Enone malit moloyoka warruok okadhone. Enoyuagi,Enone mirimb Nyasaye.
4. Chieng` Kristo nokelnwa warruok,Koro wanadhi polo.Ji mochier, gi ji molokre,Ma nodhur mathoth ka lum. Alleluya!Chieng`no tho gi tuo norum.
5. Ee wariti! Ruodhwa Yesu;Chunywa tinde gomboi.Mondo wan duto waikre,Ka wakiyo bironi. Kik wadeki,Yesu Ruodhwa mond` ibi.


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